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  • Writer's pictureClaudia Kessel

Summer Night Insomnia

what is the color of your love?

what is the shape of its melody?

your face is a silken flower

a mirror’s moist reflection

red hibiscus, sweat weeps from August’s hair

your green fingers, twisting vines of ivy

your absence burns me

the form of your body is branded in my dreams

my mouth begs you, consume me

tear me in two

I am a melting flame, I am a burning sea

firefly breath, orchid silence

riveted by night of pepper and torn stars

desire shorn of its skin

peel me wet and tender

December steam, August ice

I throb with hunger and need

violent unwinding, I am a top spinning backward

gyrating, glistening jungle

black perspiration on a beetle’s shell

skin of a whale

hot soil, cold sky

a ring hugs the finger, a chest in its suit

a tongue craves in its cave

I wish I could fit in my four-cornered box

turnip limp and cadaver blank

but mind throttles, crescendo whirls

clear as rum, slick as gin

black snake slides into the creek

blood orange, white pear

fingertips pluck string, palms cradle wood

I relinquish myself in drink or dream

clenched ankle, clutched wrist, shattered glass

singed hair, flexed toes

make my overtones vibrate

crickets rub spindly thighs

seared by song, sliced by strings, drowned by flute

creatures merge and separate in the night

what is the shape of your love?

what is the color of its melody?

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